Petri Koivunen
Radiation Safety
Petri has ended up in the nuclear industry for the interesting challenges it offers. In energy production we must move away from fossil fuels and nuclear power plays a growing part in this transition. Nuclear power, just like all radiation sources, requires particular attention to safety and to management of situations and phenomena that are difficult to define and measure. At Platom Petri works as an expert in radiation and nuclear safety. Petri is a part of an international team which produces materials for licencing and safety evaluations for nuclear power plants.
M. Sc. Energy Technology, Nuclear Engineering
Expert, Radiation Safety and Nuclear Engineering
Petri began working in the nuclear industry in 2010 in radiation protection during yearly maintenance of a nuclear power plant. After that Petri’s tasks have been at radiation and nuclear safety. From 2015 to 2018 Petri’s job concentrated especially on radiation calculation, emission estimation and accident analysis. During the latter part of 2018 Petri started working at Platom and moved straight to consult clients in the creation of licensing documentation. Petri has also done radiation calculation and analysis for a safety evaluation of a company planning to use radiation.